Null Modem Serial Cable Difference

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RS232 - V.24/V.28 - IS2110 - X.20 bis for Async - X.21 bis for Sync General. In this document the term RS232 will be used when refered to this serial interface.

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The Difference Between a Null Modem and Straight Through Serial Cable. Hardware: Serial.

null modem serial cable difference

What problems can be solved with Virtual Null Modem. If you have two applications you want to connect to each other using serial ports you need a null modem.

null modem serial cable difference

Data is transmitted and received on pins 2 and 3 respectively. Data Set Ready DSR is an indication from the Data Set i.e., the modem or DSU/CSU that it is on.

Apr 16, 2013  This file type includes high resolution graphics and schematics. Dozens of serial data interfaces are used today. Most have been developed for specific.

Virtual Null Modem is a utility which purpose is to emulate one or more virtual RS232 serial ports connected via virtual null-modem cable.

null modem serial cable difference null modem serial cable difference null modem serial cable difference

To addand that s true like my buddy SETWIRE said most null modem cables are not labeled these days with NM but you can look at the color of the cables, if it s.


No reboot required for virtual serial port. Creating, installing and removing of virtual serial ports occurs at real time;

No borders. You can create any number of virtual serial port pairs with various shematics with handshake, without handshake, with parial handshake etc ;

Virtual serial ports is fully independent. Any other hardware or virtual serial ports are not used or occupied. You even can have no serial ports in your system;

99.9 emulation. Other applications will never see the difference between real serial port and virtual serial ports, created by Virtual Null Modem software;

Perfomance. The link between two virtual serial ports is faster then real null-modem cable connection and depends on your computer system speed;

Hardware reliability. The virtual link is much more reliable than common physical link;

Software reliability. Our drivers for virtual serial ports had been tested with the verifier under Windows XP SP2 and with Microsoft HCT 12.10;

Hi-tech. Virtual Null Modem uses kernel driver technology and supports: WDM, WMI, Power Management, PNP, etc.;

Easy-to-use. Virtual Null Modem software has a simple, menu-driven step by step set-up. Programming is not required to configure the software to configure virtual serial ports and virtual serial ports pairs;

Additional features. If you are software developer, then you can configure each port to simulate a real-world data exchange with errors in data;

Scalability and integrability. You can add, remove virtual null modems from your application by using a command line interface;

On-line help. Press the F1 key at anytime and on-line help will appear providing concise and up to date documentation.


Virtual Null Modem supplies a three cut down versions called Professional, Standard and Lite. Standard and Lite versions omit some of the advanced features found in the professional edition and is ideal for users who either want a low cost or free solution or are not interested in more advanced features. Read more here.